Monday, June 7, 2010

Idea #1
An inetresting read..though old...

Fodd for thought...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why am i not posting anything?

I just relaized..y blog(s) are a one off thing and if i dont post.. i have no reason to have one..
Then i decided to list out my reasons for not posting...
1. Time(or percieved lack of)
3.Lack of motivation

Time...I traced it back to my long work hours...Well here goes the resolution..I am planning to follwo this...

And see if it helps
Boredom...Decided i can fix that myslef...planning to learn bowling and one language...

Motivation... Set myself a target atleast one post every 2 days and if i dont...i will remove the blog in the next two months...

Lets see how it goes...
Bloggers for Advani
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