Monday, November 5, 2012

A nation of people who don't Greet or Smile and are unkind...

A nation of people who don't Greet or Smile and are unkind...

I work in an IT Services company which gives me an opportunity to meet people from diverse educational backgrounds and different parts of the country.The craze over It jobs and the the abundance of opportunities in the sector has drawn people from every part to the field, some driven by ambition, some by financial necessity and some by inertia.

While the portrayal in the media and movies of IT companies and workers is almost always of neatly dressed, sauve young professionals who would put Shakespeare and milton to shame with their flawless english and impecaable communication skills.

This perception is further strengthened by the numerous group discussions and unending mock interviews colleges subject their students to in their pre final and final years  supposedly to prepare them better for an Career in the IT world.

Brace yourself though! When you enter the gates of any IT Services company in India today, it is a facade, the purported professionalism is all a thin veneer. Once you peel that layer of glossy buildings, buses and ISO-9001-ish fixtures, what lies beneath is essentially what organizations like the Govt run PSUs, Nationalized banks are composed of.

The hallmarks of our Professional workforce(I use this word with a little regret) are arrogance,carelessness bordering on callousness and parochial and at times bucolic attitudes. Every day is an exercise in one up-manship with Status reports and calls being reminiscent of Arrows and darts from our tribal and feudal past.

I am no expert on Psychology, but I sincerely believe its the School system or rather the lack of it which is at root cause of this problem. Here are my reasons why I believe Schools influence professional attitudes to such a degree...

1. While Colleges impart Field specific "Higher" education, they have little or no role in teaching us how to interact with people or life skills.

2. Most of our schools have little or no social skills training imparted to children in our nation. Little things like greeting people, smiling at people are alien to us. While one might argue it is up to parents to bring up their children with these skills, one must also consider schools have an equally significant role and at times may be better qualified to impart these skills that parents themselves lack.

3. I think our Govt schools more than imparting education , while not denying the role they have played in shaping the nation and producing great students, also leave the students with a stigma almost throughout their professional life, to shake off which, the people from the schools often become overtly defensive or at times put extreme pressure on themselves.

4. On the other end of the spectrum, there are people from our "ivy league  ish schools, who never get out of the school mode literally and each day is an exercise in exhibition of their better communication skills. They assume to be a natural leader when it comes to team and are often unkind, the need to lead often seems to come at the cost of being kind.

This list is not all, but this is at the top of my mind as i write, Our Nation for all its hopes of being a superpower by 2020 has no hope- none whatsover unless it teaches it kids not to be doctors, architects, engineers, scientists- but better human beings, the kinds that smile,greet and are kind to each other. And the panacea for that lies in revamping our school system...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Journalists...The voice of the Aam aadmi...

In a county where 300 million people are BPL and do not have access to next meal...A Sampling of our Journalists...

Aren't they truly Representative of India and all things Indian...

All these flame keepers never knew ....

what it was to study for an exam without power, go by public transport to School/College, save money to buy books or your first bike, run behind a water lorry in chennai ... worry about rising prices of essential commodities...fuel prices...hefty admission fees for gettign a school seat...standing in endless line for everything....get harassed by traffic police four times the bus charge to get back to your house during festivals...or pay abck an education loan...

Half of the below list is padma shri...

other half is Padma vibushan..

Long live india...

Barkha Dutt...Dad Air India honcho..Mom Leading Journalist....Sagarikha Ghosh...Dad Director General Doordashan...Aunt Ruma Pal Supreme court Judge..Arundhati Ghose..Ambassador/Diplomat...Rajdeep Sardesai...Dad..Cricketer..Mom ..HOD St.Xavier's College Mumbai...Vir Sanghvi was born in London and brought up in Mumbai and London... Arundhati Roy...Dad Owns Tea Estate in Assam..Mom..activist...Cousin to Pranoy Roy...wons NDTV...Pranoy's wife sister of Brinda Karat..CPI M Leader...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Idea #1
An inetresting read..though old...

Fodd for thought...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why am i not posting anything?

I just relaized..y blog(s) are a one off thing and if i dont post.. i have no reason to have one..
Then i decided to list out my reasons for not posting...
1. Time(or percieved lack of)
3.Lack of motivation

Time...I traced it back to my long work hours...Well here goes the resolution..I am planning to follwo this...

And see if it helps
Boredom...Decided i can fix that myslef...planning to learn bowling and one language...

Motivation... Set myself a target atleast one post every 2 days and if i dont...i will remove the blog in the next two months...

Lets see how it goes...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Of Minorities and the First among equals...

When the Prime minsiter said The minorities should have the first share of the nation's reosurces I was they will stop playing cheap vote bank politics now..but alas..

I believe he meant just one community to which his party professes absolute concern and does lip service ever so often...but has inflicted more trauma on them then others they remember Nelli massacre...

India has a rich tradition of harbouring multi cultural minorities..but then why in our national conscience the Sikhs,Parsis or Jews or even christians dont constitute the "Minority".... why is that the word Minority always is associated with Muslims...

Or are there some minority groups which are inherently superior and deserve more attenion then Others..why is it that 2000 muslim deaths in Riots in Gujrat is of more concern to some national parties than 3000 Sikhs who died in 1984 riots...Well I guess in Politicssome Human lives are worth more than Others...

If Demolition of Babri masjid is a national shame(and it is) why is it that Operation Blus star is not...

Will the Congress party ever think about sending troups into a mosque even if they had a FBI video clipping showing terrorists inside...they would be wet with fear...

Not just should the Congress party think ...its also about our public conscience..we have no qualms in cracking sardarji jokes but do they crack jokes about other minority groups with the same audacity...

Why is it that no quarter was given to the Sikh assasins of Indira gandhi while Afzal guru was given so many Clemency Petitions.....

God save India...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

4 Things that UPA did that has destroyed out Moral High Ground!!!

Well, Now the Home minister has resigned and we keep making all the expected noices w.r.t Pakistan...
Is there a Point 

1. PM goes to Pakistan and declares , Pakistan is victim of terrorism...ISI must have been rolling over laughing
2. PM goes to Pakistan asks for a Joint terror investigation mechanism with Pakistan...LOL
3. Supreme court says Hang Afzal Guru...sentence not carried out for god knows what...
4. Makes the arrest of an army officer in a minor Blast a big media event with a clear eye on Elections...ATS declares that officer was involved in the Samjauta express blast and retracts it...But Credibility and high moral Ground of the Army tarnished forever...Now just as Predicted..Pakistani media is using it to full advantage to deflect the charges...

Probably UPA can change their Election Motto this time along...

Reminder from Last Poll Motto: Congress ke hath Har AAM ADMI KE SATH!!

Best poll Motto for coming Elections:Congress ke hath Har ATHANKWADI KE SATH!!

American's end by Saying 

"God bless America"

I guess Indians need to Say 

"God Please save India"

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