Tuesday, December 2, 2008

4 Things that UPA did that has destroyed out Moral High Ground!!!

Well, Now the Home minister has resigned and we keep making all the expected noices w.r.t Pakistan...
Is there a Point 

1. PM goes to Pakistan and declares , Pakistan is victim of terrorism...ISI must have been rolling over laughing
2. PM goes to Pakistan asks for a Joint terror investigation mechanism with Pakistan...LOL
3. Supreme court says Hang Afzal Guru...sentence not carried out for god knows what...
4. Makes the arrest of an army officer in a minor Blast a big media event with a clear eye on Elections...ATS declares that officer was involved in the Samjauta express blast and retracts it...But Credibility and high moral Ground of the Army tarnished forever...Now just as Predicted..Pakistani media is using it to full advantage to deflect the charges...

Probably UPA can change their Election Motto this time along...

Reminder from Last Poll Motto: Congress ke hath Har AAM ADMI KE SATH!!

Best poll Motto for coming Elections:Congress ke hath Har ATHANKWADI KE SATH!!

American's end by Saying 

"God bless America"

I guess Indians need to Say 

"God Please save India"

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