Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ashamed to be Indian...

A Country once inhabited by Brilliant by Sycophants...

A Country which claims it is secular...Where both Majority and Minority feel unwanted..

"Ram is Fictional" much for the mahatma(father of this nation) who died saying "Hey Ram"...

A Country where Patriotism means wearing a small flag on Independence day..

A Country which terms Hindus as 'Barbarians'...Muslims 'Mians' and tells Sikhs...'Sardar 12 bach gaye' much for national integration..calls 'South Indians' Madrasis...and North east Indians ..Chinkis...

It took afghans 1000 years and 2000 destroyed temples to conquer Delhi...They have suffered divine retribution...nothing except opium grows there...It took our politicians a few rigged votes to change our country's destiny forever..

A Country where jawans give thier blood to save every inch of the Land...only to be lost forever due to political skuldug(g)ery..(aksai chin,pok,Areas of the Northeast...

A Country where a call to the US costs 3.50 rs/min..but a call from Arunachal Pradesh...45 rs/min...

We explore oilfields and provide aid to Africa...while manipur is suffering from the Worst Famine in 4 decades..they call us Mainland India...

I am truly ashamed...Rabindranath's words ring out...

"Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake"

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