Friday, November 21, 2008

Of Repoting and Newspapers...

I came across this term recently in almost all the popular TV News channels...
Particularly our venerable CNN-IBN...

a profoundly powerful and eye catching Head line ..Hindu Terror...Wow...

What creativity... For the first Time probably I felt something like a Kick in the Stomach...

For the First Time I could relate to the ordinary muslim on the street when news channel use a term like Islamic Terrorisms and malign madrassas....

What gives these Self professed keepers of our sensibilities and champions of the Free media the Right to Outright use a term which is deragatory as it connotes a group of 800 million and 4 200 million people in this country respectively...

How can the actions of a few be attributed to a whole community...

I am confused more so confounded that the quality of reporting and news media in this country is probably the worst...with each channell pushing it own hidden agenda...

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